About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolution Run

Saturday morning we are heading to Downtown PDX to do the Twenty11 Resolution Run and I have done exactly one run that consisted of a 5k distance since the end of July. I'm good to go! It's not that I haven't been running, because I have, just not 3 miles...usually a mile and a half or two miles. Three miles might be pushing it on Saturday...but I felt pretty good last week when I ran my first 3 miles in months that I think it will be good!

I'm pretty sure that the cool temperatures will keep me moving because standing still for too long will result in frozen extremities...boooo...not good.

This is the first event that will hopefully be followed by many more...I'm really looking forward to the sporty-sport opportunities of 2011!

See you at the World Trade Center at 10 o'clock!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Who is a runner?

If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.

John Bingham, Runner and author
This is the best quote EVER! Give me a good pair of shoes and I'm off!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

5K Success!

I posted yesterday about how I suck at running. Well, I still suck (as far as time goes), but I did a 5K road run this morning just for to see if I could do it...WOO HOO! I think the key is my short training "runs" that I have been doing on the treadmill at work and the occasional road and/or track run. This is a good thing since this morning I signed Tom and I up to do the Twenty11 Resolution Run on New Years Day which will be in beautiful downtown PDX...

I love running! Well, today anyway ;)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort ~~
Dave Weinbaum, Businessman, writer and part-time stand-up comic.

I've said it before, I suck at running...and I'm starting to realize that I'm a so-so swimmer. At least I can ride a bike. Even so, I have to keep up on the running and swimming if I am going to do a tri in 2011. Blue Lake Sprint Tri is in June, so I have 6 months to continue preparing. I have a feeling that I'll be doing the Tri-It, which is fine, it's really where I need to start.

Having done a couple of Duathlons as an individual and a couple as a team I have to say that I'm hooked! I like the challenge of doing all multisports and pushing myself to do things that I think I can't do. It's just a big mind game ;)

So my goal is to keep on swimming, running and get back into cycling. The VBC time trials will start up again in April, so that will be my training for the bike leg. I'll sign up for various 5K runs to keep my running going. It's the swimming that I have to be deliberate about. We don't have a pool in the back yard so it's off to the gym at least 3 times a week and more if needed.

With all the effort that I put into each of these elements, I know I'll make it and really talent is overrated!

Here's looking to a Triathlon in 2011!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Run Week Wasn't So Bad

(click pic to expand)
Okay, so I didn't run everyday, but I did get onto the treadmill most days this week, ran a couple of days and walked the rest of the time. Today I decided to run from our house to a specific location and then back home again. I forgot how much I like running on the road. I guess all of my Saturday runs will need to be outdoors from now on, until Daylight Savings starts again at least.

Today I thought it would be best to run at least two miles one more time before I try to increase the distance. I could push myself, but the Twenty11 Resolution Run is only a 5K. I'm pretty sure that I can do 3 miles without feeling like the next step will be my last!

I have to admit that I prefer the cooler weather...and without rain too. Today was perfect, not much traffic on the road and no unsavory people out and about. Hopefully I'll have Mr. Tom along with me for a whopping 2.5 miles! Last Fall/Winter we were pretty lucky with our long run days and had mostly non rain days. I can only hope that this year we'll be just as lucky!

Here's to more running!