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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lazy Streak

Ultimately, the best runners are the ones who are willing to work very hard but who have a little bit of a lazy streak in them.  Benji Durden, Coach

I like this quote. Not because I think I’m the best runner because I’m not, but because I think I have the lazy streak thing going on. That would be this week, totally lazy. Last week was a total work out week, running on Monday & Wednesday, cycle class on Tuesday, Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday. By the end of the week I was a little tired. Friday was not the last of it though, I still had a long run to do – which was on Saturday morning. A 5½ mile run from our house thru Felida and on back roads to 94th Street and to HDA. It was a really great run! Loved it! Oh, for the record - we did not run up the hill from the SC trailhead...that would have been completely crazy!  

Then the LAZY set in.

Okay, so last week was the work very hard week. This week was definitely the lazy streak week. I liked resting on Sunday so well that I thought I would extend it to Monday. When I started to think about the rest of the week I thought that running on Tuesday and Thursday made sense since I needed to move my Saturday run to Sunday so I wouldn’t be all freaked out about WHEN I would run Saturday knowing that we had to be at a seminar at 9. So I decided that a run right after church on Sunday would work best. I really like a good plan!  I really took the lazy to the extreme though – nothing until yesterday! What do I do for my first run of the week? SPEED-WORK! Then spin class this morning – HILLS…ugh. I’m a little tired now, but that’s okay I get tomorrow off! I’ve had my share of rest and laziness this week so I’m good to go for next week!

So, a Lazy Streak is a GOOD thing, right?

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