About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Nothing to Report...

Not really anyway. I've had a little bit of a problem with my allergies so I'm not wearing my contacts AND after doing a tempo run yesterday my legs are a little tired. So instead of getting on my bike this morning I opted to rest today. Tomorrow is a 4 mile run...which I have all mapped out and will actually turn out being 4.5 miles instead.

I'm off work on vacation next week, so my runs don't HAVE to be in the dark of the early morning. I can wait until the sun starts to come up a little and then get going. The great thing about my training plan is that all of our runs are either 3 or 4 miles.  The bad thing is that they are 3 or 4 miles. There isn't a lot of variety running around the neighborhood and I simply can't take more than a 1/2 mile at the track (it's almost like the treadmill). I suppose I could map out routes that would take us through neighborhoods - like running the main road that would go around a subdivision...that could work. It also seems like more work than it's worth.

Probably will just stick with the same ol' - same ol'.

Looks good!!! Get out for a run or a ride!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Training Run #2 - Tempo Baby!

Activity:  Run
Type of Run:  Tempo (1 Mi warm, 2 Mi @ 12:41, 1 Mi cool)
Actual distance:  4.04 miles
Temp:  50.5 F (downright balmy compared to Monday)
Time: 5:45-ish
Goal pace: 12:41 (for interval)
Actual pace: 12:21
Cumulative time: 50:56
Overall pace:  12:37

This has got to be the first time that I have done an almost proper tempo run. I usually just go out and run like a fool and then get waaay tired and out of breath sooner than I should. Which effectively ends the tempo run early.

I thought the warm up would take forever, but it wasn't bad. My legs were getting a little tired though. For some weirdo reason running slow is not so easy...is it just me? The two mile interval was so good! Usually I'm so fixated on the fact that the distance is FOUR miles or whatever distance and I let that just freak me out and I have a mediocre run. This time I just broke it down to the 1 mile sections that we would be doing. It seemed to work and we finished pretty strong.

Oh, so the plan had a 1 mi cool down. All was well until we got to the road across the street from out house and I HAD to speed it up ever so slightly - practicing my strong finish!

My new crazy thought is to do the Spring Classic Duathlon in 2014 which is usually at the end of March or start of April. If I was on the ball this year I could have been training all this time and participate in the event on Saturday. I think next year will be the year!

Tomorrow's plan - bike commute?
Saturday - long run (4 miles)


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Little Rest

Last night was a horrible night of sleep. Kept waking up at weird times and was pretty much restless. So, with all that, I decided that today would not be a good run day. My big exertion for the day was to walk over to Target to meet Tom for lunch...HUGE!

We'll get out tomorrow for sure. If we don't run that means we skip the middle run for week one and that's just not right!

Type of Run:  Tempo Run
Dist:  4 Mi
1 Mi warm up
2 Mi @12:41
1 Mi Cool

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


This picture just cracks me up because
I look so tiny next to my buddy Scott.
This was at the Bridge Pedal a few years back.
Activity:  Bike
Destination:  Work (booo)
Temperature:  48 F
Distance:  5.91 miles
Time: 28:24

Today is a no run day and with the weather being decent this morning (no rain) I decided that I wanted to bike commute to work today.

That means schlepping my clothes in a backpack. Which requires careful consideration of what I should wear....something that won't wrinkle is always good. So, dress and jacket to go with...easy-peasy. Tom rode with me which was nice because I haven't felt overly excited about bike commuting since his accident.

Anyway - the ride was good and I didn't feel horrible when we arrived to the station. Thank goodness I have SOME conditioning from running pretty consistently the past few months! The grind from Klineline to 99th Street won't feel so bad after a few more rides. I hope.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Training Day #1

I like all the colors in my chart :)
Distance:  3 miles
Type of Run:  Easy
Temperature:  38.5 F
Time:  5:45-ish am
Goal Pace:  14:26
Actual Pace: 12:19

So, this morning was a good run. Felt really good. Probably because I was more mindful about hydrating yesterday. More so than I did on Friday - which I felt on Saturday morning. Heavy legs and just not ready to run.

Tom and I ran to the turn around by HB Fuller park and took a very brief walk break so that I could tie my jacketses around my waist and were on our way again. My thing is to continue running as strong as possible and when we get to the new road across from our house, I work on finishing with a strong kick. In my head I'm racing Tom at the end and I have told him that he isn't supposed to stay with me...I have to win...hahahaha!!!

Next run day Wednesday - Tempo baby!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shamrock Run 2013

No pictures this year...so this is from Google Images.
The 2013 Shamrock Run is DONE!

This year was the best...I PR'd my 8k time by almost 5 minutes over my time from a couple of years ago. All the training that I put in for the past 7 weeks paid off! Tom did pretty well for his first run of the year too.

I extended an invitation to not only the paid personnel and volunteers, but to a few of the cadets who attend class at the station everyday. Drew Swanson decided that he would run this event and traveled with us on Sunday morning.

As much as I like to have Tom run with me, I like it when he runs his own race so that he gets an idea of how well he is doing too. So, having Drew run with him was a good option. Someone younger and might be able to challenge Tom a bit. As it turns out Drew hadn't run a whole lot in the weeks leading up to the Shamrock, only getting about two weeks of running in -training lite you might say. They had a good run together and they pretty much stuck together for the entire distance.

We started off kind of together - while Tom was getting rid of his sweatshirt the run actually started and Drew was ahead of me and I kept looking back to make sure that Tom was close by...eventually the crowd spread out and Tom and Drew were running together and I was slowly falling behind for the first mile or so. Then pretty soon I could no longer pick out Tom OR Drew's heads bobbing up and down ahead of me.

So, I was solo for pretty much all of the run. For me, running alone is a total mental game. I have to continually tell myself that I can do it...I don't have to stop and I don't feel bad. Seriously, EVERY single run, race or not. I spend a lot of time trying NOT to give in to my negative thoughts and trying to continually fill my mind with happy thoughts so I can enjoy the run. It takes some work, but I eventually get over the fact that I want to stop...it's windy...the sun is in my eyes...etc.

Finally, the positive self talk started to stick and I finally made it to the turn around and decided to walk a little - what I really wanted was water, which was a little further down the road than I thought it would be. So I estimated that I walked about 100 yards before getting my water and then started running again.

At that point I think I started to enjoy the run more and I thought that I would run until the next water stop and take a walk break. When I finally came upon that one it was so close to Broadway that I figured if I stopped I wouldn't make my time goal. So, I kept it up and tried to increase my speed little by little. In doing that, I was able to pass other runners on the hill - I'm usually the one being passed. When I reached Salmon Street it was time to turn and run DOWNHILL for seven blocks, woo hoooooooooo! With each block I was willing my legs to go a little faster, to lengthen my stride ever so slightly.

After steadily increasing my speed over those last blocks to the finish I started to feel more energy - and as I passed over the timing mat  I stopped my watch I found that I had reached my goal with about 20 seconds to spare! My time (according to my watch) was 1:00:59 (12:17 mile)! It was the best moment...with no one to share it with :(

It took a couple of minutes to get through the finish queue and I was so excited that I had reached my goal...that I didn't really concern myself with finding Tom and Drew right away. Once I got away from most of the crowd I saw them about 1/2 a block away, walking away from the finish and noticed that there was a nice gap between the both of them, so I quickly caught up with them and stopped just a little behind them as they were walking along...it took a couple of seconds before they noticed that I had joined them!

According to Tom, they were stopped for traffic once (I was stopped twice) and then they were caught up in the "foot traffic" jam at the finish. They were basically walking through the finish chute. Tom stopped his watch at the time he thought they might have reached the timing mat if they were running around 52:30-ish (10:30-ish mile) the chip time was 55:30 - my chip time was 1:01:53, stupid cars ;)

So in the big picture, even with Tom and Drew running together, it wasn't so fast that I was so far behind them really. Drew for his part, got to experience a little bit of the Portland scene and how cool it is that the streets were closed off for such a huge event. Also, he did great for his first event run and even said that he would be interested in running the 15k next year! I think we have ourselves a new event running buddy!

The best part of the day was just having the opportunity to hang out with Drew and get to know him a little better. We spent a little time at Thatcher's Coffee at Grand Central before parting ways for the day.

Next up...Blue Lake Duathlon??? Not sure at this point, we'll see how finances work out by the time May rolls around, but I'm pretty sure that I'll train as if we ARE going to participate at Blue Lake this year. If not the next run will be the 4th of July run in Ridgefield. We'll see what other fun things come up in the mean time :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

running or jogging?

If there is one thing that I can not stand it is being referred to as a jogger or someone saying that they saw me jogging...or someone says they went for a jog. Blah...I don't get it.

The definition for jog makes a person sound pretty bad too...from Merriam-Webster:

To move up and down or about with a short heavy motion. (Really? Short AND Heavy?)
To run or ride at a slow trot. (at least this definition has the word RUN)
To go at a slow, leisurely or monotonous pace. (may as well be walking)

Who wants to be described in this way?

I don't care how fast or slow I'm going...in my book if I am not walking...I am RUNNING. In fact, John "the Penguin" Bingham proclaimed that he is a runner even if he is slower than slow.

The next time I hear my name and the word jog in the same sentence, directed to me...heads are gonna roll. Oh yeah, I'm fierce. Hahahaha...

run, Run, RUN!

Monday, March 4, 2013


I DEFINITELY like what is happening these days...

Today is supposed to be a 4 mile run, but it was too dark when we got started - and I didn't want to spend the whole time in the dark. So this morning we did 2 miles and we'll finish up the rest after I get home from work today.

This week's mileage is 4 miles today, 4 miles on Wednesday and then 6 on Saturday (YIKES!)

Get out and run or walk or ride...it's SO nice out there!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

February Mileage

February was a decent month as far as my mileage goes. Managed to do 39.7 miles and that was because I had a training plan to follow. There was the minor hiccup early in the month with sickie cooties floating around. Overall, a very good month.

Tomorrow will be my last run in my New Balance 860 running shoes that have almost 300 miles on them!! I have noticed over the last week or so that I have not been feeling so great during my runs which seems to be a little unusual since I have been so consistent. After I took a look at my shoes, I decided that they are worn out enough to warrant a new pair of shoes!
New B's 860 - Susan G. Komen edition

My current training plan goes through March 17 - I'm thinking I should maybe switch that up a little so I know what to do after the 17, besides take a few days off to rest :)
We'll see if I am still crazy enough to start training for a Duathlon...sigh.

Running Quote

Google images