About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

running or jogging?

If there is one thing that I can not stand it is being referred to as a jogger or someone saying that they saw me jogging...or someone says they went for a jog. Blah...I don't get it.

The definition for jog makes a person sound pretty bad too...from Merriam-Webster:

To move up and down or about with a short heavy motion. (Really? Short AND Heavy?)
To run or ride at a slow trot. (at least this definition has the word RUN)
To go at a slow, leisurely or monotonous pace. (may as well be walking)

Who wants to be described in this way?

I don't care how fast or slow I'm going...in my book if I am not walking...I am RUNNING. In fact, John "the Penguin" Bingham proclaimed that he is a runner even if he is slower than slow.

The next time I hear my name and the word jog in the same sentence, directed to me...heads are gonna roll. Oh yeah, I'm fierce. Hahahaha...

run, Run, RUN!


  1. Bahahaha! You crack me up. I agree. Except I am not confident in my ability enough yet to say I "run". I definitely don't "jog"...I "truffle shuffle". ;)

  2. Are you chasing truffles....??? I'll do that with you for sure!!!
