About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Wow! My last post was waaay back on December 3! The reality is that I have been a little busy...holiday stuff, some more holiday stuff and oh, I was sick too. So really, while I may have done some running in December that ended near the end of my vacation time during the holidays when I started to feel the tickle of a chest cold. Which seemed to last for a long, long time!

I have been back at it though! Since we are both registered to do the Shamrock Run Half Marathon we needed to get on the ball with training. So far so good for me...only missed one training run and cut one short. Tom ended up getting sick and missed some running days, BUT was okay enough to stalk me while I was out running. I'm so lucky! We run early, so it's REALLY creepy being out on the road by myself and being super aware of pretty much everything around me!

The good thing is that Tom has rejoined me as of this past weekend and we knocked out 5 miles this morning. The cool thing about today's run was that I felt super good and in a groove! I can't get stuck on that because I know that it might not happen again anytime soon - sadness. If it does then that means I'm improving!

What I have figured out recently. I don't run well when it's dark  and wet and foggy. There is so much to pay attention to can't get to complacent lest I injure myself! As we were out this morning it occurred to me that we could probably do our weekend long run later in the morning, like around what usually is race time. Might have to put that into play this weekend - we'll see how that works out! I wake up so early that I might lose interest when we do get around to running. It's just another opportunity to learn how to push through and continue on...here's to change!

The Shamrock Run will be here before we know it, but I promise that I'll try to post here again once or twice :)

Until then, get out and run, Run, RUN!

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