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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vancouver Bicycle Club Time Trial...

(photo pirated from VBC website)

35 minutes of pure fun!

Tonight was the first Time Trial of the season. Tom and I made our way down to the Port of Vancouver Administrative Office and paid up our 4 bucks (for the both of us) and got the bikes ready to go and then did some laps around the building to warm up a little. We were riders 29 & 30 - there were 40 total riders tonight.

The wind was particularly nasty and I was a little concerned - I don't do well with the wind and would much rather just stop riding if given the opportunity, but we paid GOOD money to do this tonight so it was best to not waste that!

The first 5 miles were pretty much agonizing. The only thing that I looked forward to was the turn around and knowing that the wind would be to our backs instead, it was pretty bad. Once we made the turn around it was better, but still a little breezy. Once I settled into a rhythm, it was pretty smooth. I even passed another cyclist on the way back. THAT was a total boost to my confidence. I don't think I passed anyone at the last time trial we did. On top of that, there were still 3 or 4 other people on the course when I finished.

A time trial bike would be cool and seeing all sorts of different TT bikes tonight just makes me want one even more - SO COOL! I know better though, it's not really a practical bike - clip on aerobars will probably be the way I get to go, buy hey, aerobars would be good too!

Final time was 34:28, not bad for the first time out this year!

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