About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Monday, November 1, 2010


pretty good today!

We were up at o'dark thirty and off to the gym before the "neighborhood" had any inkling that it was Monday again. I was intentional about getting on the treadmill and doing some running this morning...it wasn't that bad - truly! Then after about 20 minutes of run/walking I made my way over to spin class for interval training with John. OH MY GOODNESS - Tough workout, but good. I think when we do the Lactate Threshold testing again my numbers may end up very different. I spent a lot of time in Zone 5 when I should have been in Zone 4. It was a good workout though, and I'm feeling all jazzed up right now - more than 4 hours later! John is a great instructor and I try to follow whatever he would have us do and not make the "ride" easier. I am prone to not liking to feel uncomfortable, I'm a wimp! I'm getting there, I have thoughts of easing off, but I power through - as Tom would say.

Now I know what my numbers are and am sporting a heart rate monitor I'm finding that I'm being a little more mindful of my training - which should be good. Maybe my times will be better during future multisport events whether I'm doing a tri or a du...I'm REALLY excited now! Even if my times don't change much I will at least have trained better than in the past.

Now all I need to do is my running LT test...

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