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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

2015 Holiday Running Streak

I have been aware of this running streak for a little while and it looks like we attempted a streak starting in mid January 2014. I think I may have been sick which delayed the start, but I am not sure why we did NOT do this during the suggested holiday period. It was a suggested time period mind you.

So in looking back on my log that I keep on the Running Ahead website this is what that particular streak look liked:

January 13-31
February 1-7 then 4 days of snow
February 12-28
March 1-2 the streak ended because we did a race and it was painful...hehehe.

So, not bad really.

Now that we have had a chance to experience the Runner's World Half and I have been totally jazzed about that - it's fading a little, but still in the background - I'm ready to attempt this challenge this year.

We did our last run on Saturday morning and it was so GOOD! I'm happy, happy. I decided that since we are going to do this we should switch up the days so that we end up actually starting on the right day, Thanksgiving morning.

So far since the RW Half I have been feeling really good when we get out. The exception would be the one day that it was windy. I'm not a fan of wind. Ironically, the one bad day that we have and I decide that we should do a mini running streak and ran 6 days in a row; Tom did 7. Another excellent week of running!!!

Since things are going so good, my attitude will be focus on the day we run and not the following days. Don't need to worry about what hasn't happened yet!

This makes it look like I haven't been running - I have I promise!
Here's to staying healthy and not getting sick or injured. Running tomorrow and then day off until THURSDAY!!!

Go HERE to find out more of this thing called a running streak.

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