About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Long Run Saturday

I don't know why I fret so much...we went out for our long run today and I felt good pretty much the whole way. At 30 minutes I took a walk break. At first I thought we would walk 3 minutes, but then I realized that the narrowest part of the road was just a little further than I could walk in 3 so we probably walked closer to 5. Then onto 149th Street. I LOVE running west on 149th - it's pretty much a nice gentle down hill grade for MOST of the way. I have to be careful though, my Saturday runs are supposed to be Long and SLOOOOW....like today was supposed to be a 14:38 per mile pace. My pace today was probably a minute faster than that. Kinda wonder what it would be if I didn't walk. Hmmmm....

Overall I had a great run and I'm feeling much more confident about running our next and last organized event of the year. Although I have spied a couple of other events, so this may not be the last ;)

My goal is to always keep running even if it is just a little bit. We joined LA Fitness a couple of years ago, so it has gotten easier to train during the wet rainy season so I really don't have an excuse to not run, right? Sometimes the laziness sets in and I end up not going to the gym much. I guess I'll have to continue looking for events to train for like the Shamrock Run in March. The past couple of years we have run the 8k route - it would seem silly to do the 5k route, where's the challenge in that?

So, 2 more training runs this next week and a couple of days of rest then RUN LIKE HELL!

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