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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Speedy Compromise?

Yesterday I thought that I would be doing 800's at the track today. Coach Tom had other plans and decided that I would be doing 1320's or 1200's instead. At first there was talk that I would be doing a tempo run...whoa there...I did tempo LAST week...not doing that again! So - 1200's is different because I don't know what my time would be for a .75 of a mile distance.

So we arrived at the track, sufficiently warmed up and Tom informed me what I would be doing and I was a little put off because it wasn't what I wanted to do, but hey - this is more brain training!

Started off the first interval feeling pretty good and actually continued to feel good through the last lap. It was weird not having to run another lap, but then at the same time it was a little odd to not stop after two. Man, I must have really wanted to run 800's! My first time was 8:47 (I think). Since the last time I did speedwork was a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't remember what my time was for the 1600 - I only remember long enough to get it recorded and then I promptly free up that space for new memories :)

Interval #2 was a little rough, felt tired, which meant I push a little hard - but in the process of pushing harder I speed up faster than I think and actually end up running the 2nd interval faster than the first...by more than 30 seconds. I am unsure of what my final time was because I was too busy trying not to die at the end and just wanted to stop and get some water. I really wasn't paying attention when Tom was calling out the times.

So, there we have it. My speedwork session was less than the prescribed, but more than I had envisioned. I guess that's a happy medium!

Will finish out the week with a 6 mile run on Saturday. Actually, I think we'll get out tomorrow and do a super easy run to make up for the distance that I didn't do today and the bit that I didn't get on Saturday.

Yes, I'm that obsessed about numbers...don't judge me.

Next week is all easy 3 mile runs, but there will start adding an additional day to the routine. Seriously, there is no rest for the weary....

Holiday Half here I come!!!

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