About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Going long...

After having a hard time figuring out my speedwork on Wednesday my long run this morning was the BEST! Crazy cold and running the last half by myself and all, but it really felt great!

Had a visit with my allergy/asthma doc this week and per his advice I didn't pretreat with albuterol before my run this morning. I was having doubts about my not using my inhaler before Tom and I got started, but it turned out alright. I am thinking that having a puff or two of albuterol might not help as much as I think. Also, Dr. D said that my lungs/breathing will only get better with my running, so I'm pretty excited about that. Only had a little coughing once I finished and was back home, so really, all is going well!

Last week Brittany (at Starbucks) said I was a machine or something like that after I told her we just finished our run. Which I thought was pretty funny. One definition according to Merriam Webster is - One that resembles a machine (as in methodical, tireless or consistently productive). I suppose I'm a machine...I like a plan and I like sticking to a plan, I'm usually productive and this running stuff has certainly gotten me a little on the crazy side of productive. When Spring rolls around I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate cycling and still keep up with running. Oh and add swimming too...CRAZY!

A year ago I was happy to be running a couple of miles...now I'm doing six and on my way to seven next week will work up to doing at least ten by the time I'm done with this current training plan. Having things to work toward is really helping too.

Right now I'm just looking to get to the Spring Classic Du in April. Tom and I may run the 8K Shamrock Run in March - that would be a perfect event a few weeks after I complete this training and move to maintenance training.

2010 is going to be a BLAST!

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