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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cat pose, Downward Facing Dog...Cobra

YOGA Baby!

Ever since John O'Brien started teaching the Monday & Wednesday early morning spin classes he has been mentioning the benefits of yoga to the group (this is according to Tom). I don't go to his class, but Tom does and every time it's time for the cool down and stretching here comes the yoga talk. Then later Tom says, "John says yoga is good for cyclists."

Every time. Well, now we are doing yoga, because John said it's good...

We are skipping the gym a couple mornings a week and starting our day with yoga. A few years ago I bought a "Yoga for Dummies" DVD, used it a few times and then put it away for a while. It's a good DVD, but it just wasn't all that fun going through the routines by myself. Now that Tom has decided he wants to do Yoga we have been using the DVD - YAY! It's been fun...and I can already feel a difference after a few sessions of bending, breathing and stretching muscles that don't want to be stretched. This DVD is great because it is so non-threatening and really stresses to have fun with the moves and it has been fun!

Until Tom starts feeling confident with the poses, I think we'll be sticking with the basic routine. The other routine is the intermediate routine and goes thru a series of poses one to the next without stopping...vinyasa flow check it out...(this video isn't too spacey new agey)

We'll see how long this yoga kick lasts - I hope for a long time. I LIKE IT!


1 comment:

  1. Down dog is the best transitional pose. I always thought I was doing it right, but then I saw Leeann Carey’s free yoga video on hands-on adjustments, and it REALLY improved my form. Thought your readers could benefit too: http://planetyoga.com/yoga-blogs/index.php/free-yoga-video-hands-on-adjustments-for-downward-facing-dog/
