About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Nancy. I decided to retire early and my last day at the Fire District was December 31, 2020. My dream to do this pigs 'n poultry thing full time started on January 1, 2021. So far so good...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ready to Rock and Roll!

Today all of our team run materials arrived via UPS - so very excited! I spent my break getting stuff put together and now I just need to make a couple of deliveries...a couple of phone calls and we are set!

The forecast for Sunday is looking very bleak or not so bleak, depending on the forecast that you might be looking at. The one I like the most would be from weather.com:  Light Rain. I could do light rain, that would be A-OK with me ;) All of the other places I check were either rain or rain AND wind.

Oh well. We'll be running with 30,000+ other people so really, no whining is allowed.

The crazy thing that happened is that my particular T-shirt size (L) ran out...are you kidding me?! Now I have to make my way over to the T-shirt table to get my shirt :( That's all the whining I'm going to do for now. The good thing that happened was that they included the Stanford's gift card.

That partially makes up for the frustration of getting this team put together and waiting for our stuff to arrive...

Good Times!

Run, Run, Run!

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